What do you do with all of those ink toner cartridges that your office uses each day? How about all of the paper that is tossed out after being looked at for just a few seconds? Now, what do you do with all of the dead batteries from different gadgets around the office? I created this blog to help other businesses find methods of recycling the many recyclable materials that come in and out of the office in a day. It is my hope that knowing what can be done with these things will help keep them out of the landfill.
Micheal Wagner
Leaking jars, food covered-cardboard, and broken glass may be mixed in with the rest of your household recycling. Offering your local recycling company these types of items may result in being fined or reprimanded for the sloppy recycling efforts. Use the following solutions to aid with preparing and organizing the recyclables.
A Recycling List
Do your family members know exactly what can be recycled? Breaking down the categories of recycled items into paper, plastic, cardboard, and glass may not be specific enough for your children or spouse to understand.
Print out a recycling list that features common items that your local recycling center accepts and rejects. Post this list on your refrigerator or another common area within your home. When your family members encounter an item that they think they can add to the recycling containers but aren't certain about, they can refer to the list that you have posted.
A Rinse Station
Don't assume that your loved ones will take the time to wash out each of the jars or bottles exactly as you have outlined. Set up a rinse station that empty containers must pass through, prior to being placed in the recycling containers. The station can be a countertop in your kitchen that is next to where dishes are washed or an outdoor surface that is next to a garden hose.
Lay out a towel for rinsed items to dry off on and place a waste receptacle nearby either station. The waste receptacle can be used to place damaged goods, labels, and other items that aren't recyclable. Before anything is to be placed inside of the bins that your recycling company has issued you, briefly inspect all of the clean recyclables.
Bin Protection
If your recyclables are designated to go inside of plastic bins that do not contain any slots, rainwater, leaves, and yard waste may enter the bins when they are left alongside the curb. Avoid placing the items next to the curb until the official day when your recycling will be picked up. Temporarily store the bins under your eaves or another protected surface.
This will keep the containers dry. Set up a time to transfer the recyclables into the bins, prior to moving them out to the curb. A rolling cart can be used to transport all of the bins at the same time. After the recycling is picked up, retrieve the bins and place them back in the area that you have designated as their storage space.
Reach out to a company like Mid America Paper Recycling Co for recycling solutions.