What do you do with all of those ink toner cartridges that your office uses each day? How about all of the paper that is tossed out after being looked at for just a few seconds? Now, what do you do with all of the dead batteries from different gadgets around the office? I created this blog to help other businesses find methods of recycling the many recyclable materials that come in and out of the office in a day. It is my hope that knowing what can be done with these things will help keep them out of the landfill.
30 August 2021
Medical waste safety is regulated through OSHA (The Occupational Health and Safety Administration). Local health and environmental agencies may mandate disposal methods that will result in sorting, sterilizing and recycling many of the waste components. Disposal Methods Of The Past Several decades ago, biohazard waste wasn't regulated in the manner it is today. Waste items would often be deposited into landfills. On occasion, medical waste would be dumped into waterways. As a result of these practices, the public and waste handlers were at risk of being injured from a sharp syringe or needle or coming into contact with a bodily fluid that could result in the transmission of a disease.
27 March 2021
Recycling is considered eco-friendly in general, for reasons like avoiding landfill disposal and reducing the need for mining and refining new materials. But the grease from your fryer isn't exactly a petroleum product, so you may wonder how it can reduce the need for mining new materials, for instance. While the benefits of recycling grease are similar to those of recycling plastic or metal, they also work a bit differently. Here are some of the things grease collection and recycling services can do for the planet.
6 October 2020
You might have heard that you should look into recycling the scrap copper that you have, or you might have scrapped other types of metal at some point or another. If you don't actually have experience with recycling copper, however, you might need a little bit of help. By following these simple tips, you should be able to enjoy an easy and positive experience when recycling your copper. This is true whether you are recycling copper wires or any other type of copper item.
9 March 2020
Copper recycling is something people have done for years. If you have copper materials that you are no longer using, you can bring the items to a recycling plant and exchange them for cash. The person who purchases the scrap metal from you will weight the copper beforehand and then let you know how much your collection of copper is worth. Why Do People Recycle It? People recycle copper because it is an essential material used to create many items.
10 December 2019
If you are going to start collecting scrap metal so that you can sell it to a recycling center, there are some things that you are going to want to do so that you can make sure that you are going to get the best possible return on your work. Keep Track of Prices One of the things that you are going to want to do is to keep track of the prices that you are going to get from selling the metal.